Over the last few months, we have had a few times where programs on local domains that failed to run. The problem was the time on the workstation did not match the server. In a couple of cases, the user had changed the time on their PC for a reason. Then forgot to...
Upgrade to Windows 10 — for free!
Remember when you could upgrade the previous version of Windows to Windows 10 for free. That ended - sort of. Many of my customers use Dell. Dell has always had a different agreement with Microsoft. One day, I took an old Dell notebook with Windows 7 Pro and run the...
“This PC can’t be upgraded to Windows 10”
A week ago, I posted that I could not upgrade my Windows 10 PCs to the latest version, v1903, May 2019. What I didn't do was take the time to research the error. Today I did. The problem is the latest version will change the drive letter on your USB devices. I was...
Microsoft talks about spec’s for a Modern OS
Interesting blog post by Microsoft about a future OS -- and it's not Windows 10. Left to right: Microsoft CVP Nick Parker, CVP Roanne Sones, and VP Rodney Clark. Key point summary: seamless updates - no rebooting!! secure by default - no add-on virus...
Microsoft talks about spec’s for a Modern OS
Interesting blog post by Microsoft about a future OS -- and it's not Windows 10. Left to right: Microsoft CVP Nick Parker, CVP Roanne Sones, and VP Rodney Clark. Key point summary: seamless updates - no rebooting!! secure by default - no add-on virus...
Windows 10 v1903 – can’t upgrade
A couple of days ago, Windows 10 v1903 was released to the public. I downloaded and installed it on a thumb drive. No problem there. I have tried to upgrade two machines running Windows 10 Pro. Neither would take it. The upgrade process now has a new screen that says...
Microsoft 365
Microsoft has released a combination product, Windows 10 and Office 365. They are targeting customers that are current on Windows 7 and Office 2010 -- both of which are discontinued. Folks, it's time to move off of the old. Both of these products are excellent. Here's...