Edge release date set

Written By Greg Wood

On December 3, 2019

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The new version of Edge is to be released on 15 January 2020

Back in August 2019, I posted an article about the beta copy of Edge. This is an update.

For months, we have been using Edge Beta. For a number of months, we have been installing it on our customer machines as well.

For many years, most customers would use Edge for all of their browsing. It came with Windows and they didn’t know that they could use something different. For some, we have had to keep two browsers on their machines. That was because some web site did not work with Edge. Some web sites only worked with Edge. In most cases, the web site would tell you that they didn’t work with the browser you had connected with. In most cases, this was by design. The web site builder used features that were in one browser but not another. 

As a second browser choice, we picked Chrome. But Firefox worked as well. Unfortunately, they also had certain features that only worked on their browser. 

In December 2018, Microsoft announced that they would move to a common browser engine. One browser will work for all web sites. Yeah! The beta version of this new browser has been available in a trial (beta) version. The complete copy is scheduled to be released on 15 January 2020 at the Ignite Conference. 


Click the graphic to download the beta copy.

To read the Microsoft blog article, click here

This browser is good. Farsight suggests you download it and start using it.