Be careful what you click – Office 365 notification

I got a couple of weird emails. They claimed to be from Office 365. But if you looked at the sender’s email address: 365 Suрроrt Сеntеr The second one: Microsoft Verify

Windows 10 Virtual Desktop

I’ve seen a couple of articles on this. It’s still early and not complete. With the correct commercial (?) accounts, you can create a cloud based virtual Windows 10 Desktop. What’s it good for? I’m not sure. It probably has limited RAM and hard...

Hackers wipe US servers of email provider VFEmail

VFEmail is a free email system. We don’t use it but found the article interesting. Since 2001, VFEmail has provided businesses and end-users a quick and convenient way to ensure their own security when it comes to email. VFEmail scans each complete email,...